Faculty Of Commerce

Themes &

Themes & Track

Track 1
Digital Transformation in Accounting and Finance
Automation in accounting processes and its impact on financial accuracy Blockchain Technology and its role in secure and transparent financial transactions.
Future of financial reporting in the digital age
E-Commerce Evolution: Trends and Innovations
Compliance with international regulations and standards Ethical challenges in online business practices Data Protection and Privacy Measures in E-commerce
Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
Leveraging data analytics for informed decision-making in commerce Predictive analytics in sales forecasting and inventory management Business intelligence tools for enhancing financial performance
Track 2
Talent Acquisition and Recruitment
AI-Driven Candidate Screening and Assessment
Diversity and Inclusion in Hiring Processes
Virtual Onboarding and Remote Workforce Management
Employee Engagement and Development
Gamification for Learning and Development
HR Analytics for Performance Improvement
Remote Work Challenges and Solutions
Workplace Well-being and Mental Health
Employee Well-being Programs and Technologies
Addressing Burnout and Stress in a Digital Workplace
Managing Virtual Teams Effectively
Track 3

Data-Driven Marketing Strategies
Social media marketing and brand building in the digital era
Measuring the ROI of digital marketing campaigns
Utilizing Big Data and Analytics for Targeted Marketing
Digital Advertising and AdTech
Personalization and targeting in digital advertising
Ad Fraud Prevention and Transparency
Marketing Automation, Content Creation and Distribution Strategies
Smart Technologies in Supply Chain Management
Internet of Things (IoT) and its role in supply chain visibility and optimization.
Sustainability and eco-friendly practices in supply chain operations.
Real-time tracking and management of goods and inventory.

Track 4

Digital Transformation in Banking Operations
Enhanced Customer Experience through Digital Interfaces
Automation and Efficiency in Financial Transactions
Secure and Streamlined Banking Processes with AI and ML
Fintech Integration for Financial Inclusion
Fostering Access to Financial Services for the Unbanked Population
Financial Inclusion through Mobile Banking and Digital wallets
Fintech Startups: Disrupting Traditional Banking for Inclusive Growth
Cybersecurity Challenges in Digital Banking
Combatting Cyber Threats in Financial Transactions
Data Breach response and recovery strategies
Ensuring Trust and Security in Digital Payment Ecosystems